US kick-starts a second infra revolution; India could well emulate

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The US Congress passed a historic $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure bill on November 6, delivering a major promise President Joe Biden made during his campaign days, though in a pared down form. The bill which needs to be signed by the president himself in the coming days, promises to invest a massive capital of $ 550 billion on infrastructure development including roads, bridges, airports, railroad, ports and waterways in the coming five years.

The proposed huge investment in infrastructure spurs memories of Federal Aid Roads Act of 1956 signed by president Eisenhover authorising Interstate Highway System (IHS) and creating the Highway Trust Fund to finance the construction. The 48,000 mile long IHS is said to have played a stellar role in the development of the US economy which recorded 340 percent growth in GDP in 66 years and catapulted the country from a $ 3 trillion economy then, to the current $ 19 trillion economy,, according to a study of American Road and Transportation Builders’ Association (ARTBA). The ARTBA studies found that the IHS helped spawn a host of other industries that have transformed the US economy. Those include lodging industry, that employes 1.4 million workers, fast food and restaurant industry that employs 10 million workers, tourism industry that contributed $ 1.1 trillion to the US GDP in 2020 and convienience store industry which recorded a sales of $ 650 billion last year.

India has also been investing in infrastructure in a big way, though more capital needs to be pumped in by different state governments and the union government jointly. Focus needs to be shifted to scientifically design and build superior quality roads even in small towns and rural areas. Common standards need to be adopted by diffeent states and shoud be implemented in letter and spirit.

The allocation of Rs 111 lakh crores under National Infrastructure Pipleline for the financial year 2019-25 was a bold and visionary move to develop infrastructure. The Bharatmala Pariyojana launched in 2015 to connect the entire country through a network of highways has imporved connectivity in a signficant way. The project has recorded a steady growth eversince it was launched. The huge investment in developing infrastructure in the North East India in general, and India-China border in particular has attracted world’s attention and improved the living conditions there.

However, the second most populated country in the world deserves much more. India needs well designed roads and streets that considers the needs of pedestrians and cyclists also. Considering the increasing occurrance of natural calamities and the damanges it wreaks on infrastructure including roads and bridges, risk matrix needs to address unforeseen circumstances. Use of improved materials for construction and use of automation and machine control technologies should be encouraged.

Massive road infrastructure development would have a multiplier effect on development and will go a long way in realzing the vision of Prrime Minister Narendra Modi to make India a $ 5 trillion economy. It will ensure rural employment and reduce inequalities in regional development.

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